Hydro dipping tank, water transfer, hydrodipping
New pump and 2 x drain valves last year, all the dividers present, I have built two covers to keep the heat in, underside is thermal metal insulation and the tank is wrapped in the same thermal metal insulation. In winter when you seal the tank and turn off the thermostat and I was only losing 1 degree overnight. Big enough to do car bumpers etc. This is for the tank only – I bought a separate heating element as the built in one was underpowered and too slow, It still works but you’d probably want to upgrade like I did. (last picture shows my separate heating set-up). I still, have the new heater element which can be available by separate negotiation. Guns, activator and film available also as i’m retiring. I reserve the right to withdraw the ad at any time as I have advertised elsewhere. Welcome to view by appointment, any questions answered.